If you are the victim of domestic or relationship abuse, accept and welcome the help of those who love and care about you.

  1. Disclose

Confide only in someone you trust. Tell them what is happening to you and around you. Sharing your feelings with someone who cares about you will help you to feel better, think clearer and feel less alone.

  • Act

Decisions to leave, when and how should be only when you feel ready. You are the only one who knows when it is time to leave, seek medical attention, seek shelter and / or contact police, or domestic violence professionals. Make your own decisions and seek the assistance of others depending on your level of comfort and trust.

  • Prepare an Emergency Kit (One for your home and one with a friend or family member)

This is a bag or box of items you will need if you must leave your home immediately. Items should include:

Important documents (driver’s license, insurance cards, health insurance documents, social security card, birth certificate, life insurance records, documents of abuse such as Restraining Order, photographs of bruises, pictures showing destruction of your home.

REMEMBER TO TAKE THESE DOCUMENTS FOR YOUR CHILDREN, medical records, birth certificates, proof of vaccinations, social security card, insurance information, educational records, and recent photos of each child.

Clothing, Money and Extra set of Car and House Keys. If there’s time and space available, take your pet and your child’s favorite toy.

  • Accept Assistance

If you need someone to accompany you to medical appointments, to the police station, to court or to a shelter accept the assistance of a friend or family member who offers to accompany you.

  • Share

Discuss your emergency plan with someone you trust. Go over the plan regularly even when things are going well, abuse is unpredictable and can occur out of nowhere at any time. Educate yourself about domestic violence and relationship abuse the more you know the better prepared you will be to begin living a healthy, happy and abuse free life.


       1-800-799-7233 – 1800-799-SAFE 

1-800-787-3224 (TTY for the Hearing Impaired)